RHEL 7 authentication to AD is quite straight forward
If you are using minimal server setup, install the following package:
# yum install realmd sssd samba-common-tools
The following command is assuming you have AD with domain fosstech.biz setup.
# authconfig --enablesssd --update
# realm join fosstech.biz
Key in the administrator password and your system should be joined to the domain server.
Edit /etc/sssd/sssd.conf if you need to fine tune the configuration. I personally like to have the home directory with the following format: /home/username@domain.com, so I would update the following config
fallback_homedir = /home/%f
Restart sssd and have fun trying
Note: The above are tested on RHEL 7.8
If you are using minimal server setup, install the following package:
# yum install realmd sssd samba-common-tools
The following command is assuming you have AD with domain fosstech.biz setup.
# authconfig --enablesssd --update
# realm join fosstech.biz
Key in the administrator password and your system should be joined to the domain server.
Edit /etc/sssd/sssd.conf if you need to fine tune the configuration. I personally like to have the home directory with the following format: /home/username@domain.com, so I would update the following config
fallback_homedir = /home/%f
Restart sssd and have fun trying
Note: The above are tested on RHEL 7.8