Friday, 26 June 2020

Tableau + syslog-ng - Let's the story begins

In Linux world, syslog has been doing a great job logging most of system and user activities. However finding information from log is not easy at all. With so much data in the log files, it can be a daunting task to just understand the log. 

So with Tableau + syslog-ng, I decide to begin my journey of telling the story from log files. I called this project LogStory. 

This first visualization is capturing when the user login, logout and the duration spent in the session. It will also show when the session is active and refreshed every 3 second. 

You can view it live in
Username: logstory
Password: A1r0plan3

What story should I tell next ? 

Thursday, 4 June 2020

ldapsearch over ssl (ldaps) to Active Directory

In order for Linux to perform ldapsearch over ssl, you need to import Active Directory CA certificate.

On ActiveDirectory run the following command:
> certutil -ca.cert adca.der

Copy adca.der into the Linux server and convert the cert into Linux friendly cert
#  openssl x509 -inform DER -in adca.der -out adca.crt

Move the file into the default ca-trust directory
# cp adca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
# update-ca-trust

You are ready to run ldapsearch over ssl to Active Directory

Assuming you ad server is for domain, you can run ldapsearch as follow

# ldapsearch -x -W -H ldaps://  -D "" -b "dc=fosstech,dc=biz" *
